The waters had dropped about 2 inches over the last few hours with the easing rain, so it's now or never..
The scene outside is a weird one, the waterlogged streets are filled with what can only be described as zombies all going somewhere.. The water is too deep to lift your feet and if you try, you're sure to lose a thong, so you drag your legs through the water slowly making progress. I was one of them this morning on my petrol mission
As the rain stops more cars seem to be on the streets creating havoc for the zombies as the wash from the car sends them off balance for a moment.
Sharon has just heard that much of the central part of the city where we are is under water, with the airport closed for many hours, people stranded and the people in the slums choking the banks of the rising Methi River having to be relocated. We are lucky so far with power on today in our apartment, but what of the people living in the slums and those even worse off. I'm sure we will find out more in days to come.

I have made it home finally… LV Bag and Armani cargo’s drenched! This is how I roll :-) ash
Your blogging is just too wicked to say the least. Very impressed...
So the monsoons have arrived.. haha.. got your floaties???? send sum of that rain our way...
Love your car. she looks the ancient beast but one with plenty character...
wishing you all the best
The thongs are now on Ebay!
i thought they might be worth a bit after what they went through!
what's the reserve...
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