Our limo ride (rickshaw) to the party of all parties in Mumbai. So not cool, but so funny to us.

Our 2007 crew!

Sammy - our mate (but not Ash's)

Aussie performers

Bibasha - the main performance of the evening and the reason for many coming.
She's a BIG star in the world of Bollywood.
Since New Years Eve, the press has been filled with stories of 2 couples (Indians from the US) being attacked outside the Marriott, fortunately 2 reporters shot the whole incident and it has made front page news and caused much debate – are Indian men sex starved? One poor girl had her dress ripped off. If it wasn't for press, their tale would have never got further than the useless visit to the local police station directly after the incident..
We too experienced two separate incidents when leaving the Marriott at 3.00 am. Mark and I left in search of a rickshaw, we live only minutes away. The street was crowded with a mob of people heading towards the beach. I was holding Marks arm and we unwillingly joined the wave as we tried to make our way to the road. A group of boys/men started shouting at us, but we ignored their taunts. I held my bag protectively across my tummy in fear of someone banging into me, it was that crowded. Out of nowhere a guy came from behind, grabbed my breast, the force separating me briefly from Mark, I turned around and yelled words I've never uttered before and saw him running cowardly into the crowd – there were literally hundreds of grinning men watching this crazed white woman.We crossed the road where there were less people, I was shaking and could barely speak but before I knew it, another hand groped me from behind. This time I turned around, smacked the guy behind me, yelling at him like a woman possessed. The guy I hit claimed it wasn't him, but fortunately it happened right in front of police. Never before have I felt safe or respected the police, but the men who came to my rescue were a God send. They grabbed the guy I yelled at, he was yelling back, they hit him with their lathi as he was trying to back away, they called me over and I had to tell them to let him go, as although he was the closest person to me, I wasn't 100% sure it was he who had the audacity to touch a female in this manner and I couldn't have him violently punished, if it wasn't him. I also just wanted to get to the safety of home.
What is wrong with Indian men? Why is there no respect for women in this country? I have worked and travelled in many countries and this mob kind of sexual behaivour just doesn't happen elsewhere.
What are Indian parents not teaching their sons?
Happy new year!!!
You two look amazing. Really looking forward to seeing you in May. Not long now. Am counting the days.
We hope everything is going smoothly with your transition to parenthood. What exciting times...
Sending you lots of love.
Col & Isa
Thanks Isa and all the best to you and Col for 2008!! It's happening here and it's all good news. Looking forward to spending some time with you both when we're back in Oz
Hey guys,
just want to say to shaz, you should of really got stuck into that guy infront of the police. few jabs here and there uppcut. you know go rocky on his ass...
Anyway just try and have a safe New Years, and shaz try not to get into to many fights. Mark....just keep on keepen on budy see you both soon enough again.
Brooke and Simon
Thanks Isa & Simon, great to hear from you both.
See you soon.
what were you doing when all this was going on markus... good time to pull out the kung fu i reckon.. beat some scones. and as for you rusty... if you packed on 100kg these guys may not find you so attractive.. and you prolly wouldn't feel their groping anyway. these are my suggestions. coz i don't think you're gunna change these men.. really.
but happy new year to you. stay safe. and look after your gut.. =)
Ahh, this was truly horrible. It's sad that such a HUGE majority of Indian men behave in this manner, but the decent rest of us too have to bear the guilt of their actions.
So are you guys posted in India through the government or on personal business?
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