On the recent trip home I bought an Australian flag... gotta have the flag...
At first I was shocked but not overly surprised to find that the 2 dollar flag I had purchased with complimentary flag stickers was made in China..
Is it that China makes the best flags money can buy?? Jump online and you can add to your global shopping basket a factory "which specialize in producing household products such as flages, car flages, national flages etc for Publice service." and as in any good market even a global one, the listed price is "BEST PRICE" of course, special morning price for you??!!
The Made in China site is where you'll find the A-Z of nearly every general item manufactured on the face of the earth. Get into the Made in Australia site and you'll find wine, swimmers and art... and should you want to buy a flag then you'll have to be after a safety flag, Tibetan Prayer Flags, Affirmation Flags or Poi Flags as Australian companies are not listed as being able to make the national flag. I know there are businesses that make the larger Australian flag, I have bought one before and I was chosen to hold onto the flag from the RSL at the time of the passing of my Grandfather.
Armed with this information I made contact with both the ALP and Liberal party to ask why Australia as a nation couldn't produce a flag or "flage" to compete for distribution to the Australian people. As one would guess this is an issue that may not receive a great deal of attention individually but collectively with the regressing population and the demise of Australian manufacturing it is surely the tip of the melting iceberg... No reply as yet from the parties..
And yes if there was a flag in the store which was made in Australia and cost more I would have bought it...
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Interesting to know.
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